Livestream Every Sunday 9:00am


Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

For ages 0 - 4
The Nursery is available for all families with young children ages 0-3 during Worship and Connection Groups. Parents are welcome to stay with their children or leave them with our nursery worker, Miss Ashly. In the nursery, young children will be engaged in age-appropriate activities (coloring, puzzles, storytime) and unstructured play time.
They will also be able to see and participate in the worship service from our Nursery television screen.
Kids Church
Connection Group for Kids ages 4-11
Kids Church is an opportunity for preschool and elementary aged kids to encounter God’s Word in an age-appropriate manner. Following the Kids Message during worship on the second-fifth Sundays of the month, all kids ages 4-11 are invited to follow the Kids Church leaders to classroom 224, where they will discuss the Kids Message, watch a short Bible video, do a short craft or activity. Older Kids (ages 6.5-11) will be in Classroom 222, and Younger Kids (4-6) will be in Classroom 224. Parents will be able to pick up their children in their respective classrooms immediately after the worship service ends.
Family Sunday
1st Sunday of the Month
The First Sunday of each month is a Family Sunday service, where every member of the family is invited to join us for a full worship service.  We invite families with young children to sit closer to the front of the Sanctuary to soak up all of the sights and sounds of worship.
During these weeks, there is no Kids Church, but Activity Bags will be provided in the Narthex. The Kids Message and Activity Kits will correlate with the Scripture readings and the sermon of the day.

Mark your Calendars for  Vacation Bible School 2025!

We're all set to host Vacation Bible School at Bethlehem on August 4th-8th, 2025!
This program is designed for Kids Church-age students (4-11) and is a rotational schedule of games, Bible Study, crafts, music and more!

This year, we will launch our theme and our registration platform on Sunday, May 4th. This program is staff-led and volunteer-run, so depending on the number of committed volunteers, we will begin with space for 50 students.

If you are interested in serving at this year's Vacation Bible School*, please reach out to our Kids Ministry Director, Jen, or our Director of Christian Education, Kenzie.

*Signed confirmation of service hours available upon request.

Check out our Kids Messages!

Contact Our Kids Ministry Leaders

She'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.