Livestream Every Sunday 9:00am

Connecting the disconnected
to a christ-centered life

Sunday Mornings

Services at 9:00am with Connection Groups at 10:15am

Easter Lilies Reservation Form Available Now!

Celebrate the joy and beauty of Easter by filling our worship space with graceful Easter lilies. These elegant white blooms, symbolizing purity, resurrection, and new life in Christ, will adorn our sanctuary.

Reserve your lilies by Palm Sunday, April 13 to ensure they are part of our Easter worship. Each plant may be purchased in memory of a loved one or in gratitude for blessings received. The cost is $10/plant. Lilies can be taken home after our 11 AM Easter Worship Service.

You may fill out the form by clicking here. Thank you for helping make our sanctuary a reflection of the joy and hope of Christ’s resurrection!

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